Due to the recent COVID-19 requirements, we are implementing the following best practices for our in-store experience:
- OUR STORE - We sanitize and clean all the time, we're doing our best to keep the store as safe as possible
- OCCUPANCY - Each store has limited occupancy. Please check with each location on their capacity
- OUR TEAM - Our team members' temperature is checked regularly and we expect them to stay home if they've been exposed to someone with a confirmed C19 case
- FOLDING - Folding tables will be closed (so sorry!). Please plan folding at home
- WAITING - You'll need to wait in your car while your laundry goes round and round
- SANITIZING - Sanitizer stations will be available in the store
- FEELING OK? Your temperature must be below 100 degrees and you should show no symptoms prior to entering the store
- COVER IT UP! Masks are required to be worn at all times in the store
We realize that some of these practices are not convenient for you, but please bear with us as we try and protect the health of all of our customers.
Due to some of the new restrictions and inconvenience, we are offering 10% off our Pick Up And Delivery Services. Use "SAVETIME" to receive the discount as you schedule here.